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MegamanEXE 07-11-2008 08:06 AM

Buying an iPhone
Stuck at work right now....patiently watching the clock....


And I have class today, too....fack.

Gooshy 07-11-2008 09:49 AM

I might go replace mine.

Gooshy 07-11-2008 10:17 AM

I'm updating it to 2.0 to see what all the ruckus is about

Gooshy 07-11-2008 10:50 AM

and now my phone is dead.

IceBlade 07-11-2008 11:54 AM

I'm poor.

eighteesix / Killya 07-11-2008 06:57 PM

@gooshy: shouldve either a) read the apple news sites or b) updates a day or two ago. but alas now your phone is dead cause youre a noob. :(

ill probably get the new one tomorrow. someone wants my old one for cashmoney

Gooshy 07-11-2008 07:30 PM

I fixed it about 30 minutes after I posted.

eighteesix / Killya 07-12-2008 01:22 PM

mother fucking apple stores running out of phones

fucking bitches

KhaOZ 07-13-2008 05:56 AM

Is it cause it's trendy that all of you want it so bad? I mean, the Dare is smaller, lighter, better GPS, WAY better camera with the best Camera on any phone anywhere, and matches the iphone in most other features, plus has the better touch screen, yet all these trend riders are all tripping over themselves to buy the latest toy that society has brainwashed them into thinking they need(not saying that is you guys, just talking in general).

I guess I just don't get it. It's a phone FFS...

Not to mention ATT/Cingular blows monkey nuts.

Beyonder 07-13-2008 07:36 AM

Blasphemy! As a Microsoft employee I implore you all to get a WM device like the HTC Touch Diamond.

IceBlade 07-13-2008 12:45 PM

I just have a regular old cell. Totally agree with you, Khaoz lol.

eighteesix / Killya 07-13-2008 11:46 PM

khaoz i dont know what youre talking about. the iphone has just as good features, but the best one is the software. its got the best software on it of any phone by far.

KhaOZ 07-14-2008 01:53 AM

You played with a Dare? Software seems great to me though the iPhone does have a leg up here. The Dare has much better camera software than the iphone though. Camera picture quality trumps the iphone, and the fact that it has video up to dvd quality is nice as well. The iphone has what? a camera, no flash, no extra software on the phone for that camera like noise reduction, or face recognition, etc.

GPS? The iphone is all text based. Like i want to read my phone while i'm driving. LG Dare has text and voice.

It's smaller, lighter, has a mircoSD slot, and i could go on and on with this but it's pointless since everyone will still buy iphones. We're the generation of Idiocracy. We do what the TV and trends tell us is the "cool" thing. I mean, i bet average Americans know more about Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian than John McCain or Barrack Obama.

Anyway, this rant is pointless since everyone wants to "look cool" and have the same phone as everyone else does. I mean, look at me, I had a RAZR too just like everyone else did. It got so bad that since everyone had the same phone, the cool people were the ones with the rare colors, lol. "ooh, look. he's got a red razr". Now it'll be "hey look at that guy, he has the white iphone"

Towlie 07-14-2008 03:33 AM

I just felt it necessary to let you all know that Khaoz's av is moving perfectly in sync with my music right now. It's pretty awesome.

P.S. iPhones are cool. And plus, the Dare's screen is laggy.

KhaOZ 07-14-2008 09:47 AM

The screen is laggy? You're thinking of the Glyde, which does have a laggy screen. That was one of the things I liked about the dare, that it wasn't laggy at all. Everything I wanted it to do it did instantly.

The iphone is cool though, I just wish it had a better Camera. If they ever put a decent Camera in the iphone, i'd probably get one. The one thing the iphone has on the dare, and this is pretty much the only thing there is that the iphone does better, but it's a big thing, is the open format they have for apps. Allowing devs to make free apps, etc etc. They predict there will be 500 new apps for the iphone within its lifetime, and like 150 of those should be free. That includes games.

That alone almost makes me want it over the Dare, but when I think of the Camera and the GPS on the iphone, i change my mind back to wanting a Dare. It's a close decision tbh.

With my 2 kids and with me never wanting to drag around my phone AND a regular camera, the camera on my next phone is very important to me. The fact that the Dare does dvd resolution video and allows you to instantly upload that video to youtube, myspace, facebook, etc, makes me really want the Dare.

There are still a few other phones i'm considering. I have friends who own both the Dare and iphone and a nokia n82 which has a 5mp camera, and a k850i which also has a 5mp camera, and I'm having a hard time picking between the bunch after playing with each one. There's things about all of them that I like.

eighteesix / Killya 07-14-2008 01:11 PM

khaoz youre not really listening to me.. i said the iphone is on par with most good phones, but has much better software. sure there are phones out there with better cameras, or better GPS, or whatever, but iphone has best software hands down. the camera isnt great so they dont need great camera software, but in time... the GPS on the new iphone is a huge improvement. and fuck driving, most states now have laws against having anything other than a conversation on your phone (ie. texting, web, etc)

your numbers on the apps are a bit off. the app store launched with OVER 500 apps. right now its over 800--200 of which are free. more than 90% are $10 or less. theres going to be thousands of apps soon enough, all of which are native.

MegamanEXE 07-14-2008 03:41 PM

Khaoz, you know that TomTom is making software for the iPhone, right?

Anyway, I ended up not getting it yet because they ran out. I have one on order, and they told me that it should be here in the next 7 days or so.

...and I get an employee discount. Thanks Emerson!

eighteesix / Killya 07-14-2008 11:31 PM

read this article

KhaOZ 07-15-2008 12:13 AM

My point is, everyone has different needs. Till the iphone gets a better Camera, it doesn't come close to meeting mine, so for my needs, the iphone sucks. Besides, I'm not going to pay out the asshole to get some retarded Data plan like iphone users have to get to even use half that shit.

And wtf is up with all the simple features found in basic phones these days, not being put on the iphone?

Things they need to improve on:

The battery. How do they get away with releasing a phone that you can't swap the battery on? With 3G, you're pushing it to make it through one day, and if you forget to charge it that night, you're fucked. So you want to swap to your backup battery.... wait. You can't.

Can't hook the phone up to my laptop to use it as my 3G modem, and save ass tons of money instead of having to have a seperate 3G modem. The AT&T Tilt does this as well as other phones, why not the iphone? That's like $800 a year they could be saving me.

No cut and paste? Seriously? wow...

They claim this thing is part ipod, yet it has no stereo bluetooth option. The tech has been around a long time, why hasn't apple caught up?

Still no flash player? Why is this? No voice dialing? No mobile TV? No microSD card slot?

All in all the iphone is a great little machine other than its shitty camera, and I'd get one as i've said if they had a decent camera and video capturing option, but there is a lot of room to grow from what apple has now. Maybe the iphone 4G will improve on many of these requests. It would be nice. Either way though, it's a good phone and a good start in a fun direction. They took the LG Prada touch screen phone and made it fun and simple for the American masses. I can't wait to see what the future holds for other prada clones like the iphone, or for smart phones in general.

eighteesix / Killya 07-15-2008 12:21 AM

win some lose some

i really dont care about a swappable battery. laptop id care.

KhaOZ 07-15-2008 12:30 AM

edited my last message a lot.

KhaOZ 07-15-2008 01:11 AM


The iPhone 3G may be a must-have gadget for some, but for other people, it's got one big catch: the AT&T contract. Even though it will be possible to buy prepaid iPhones this time around, the handset will still be physically locked to AT&T's network. While AT&T has a terrific phone selection and a very speedy 3G network, the carrier hasn't fared well in our annual reader surveys, with respondents citing Sprint and T-Mobile as offering better prices and Verizon as featuring better network quality.

Both Sprint and Verizon have recently debuted direct assaults on Apple's phone. And while these new entries might not exude the sheer sexiness of the iPhone, they should satisfy the cravings of touch-screen lovers who don't want to make the carrier switch.

LG's new Dare VX9700 for Verizon is better than the iPhone in some ways. Take the camera, for instance: It's a 3.2-megapixel shooter with a bright flash that can take full VGA, 640-by-480 videos. The Dare also supports subscription music from Rhapsody. And you can use it as a 3G modem for your PC, unlike the iPhone.

But most important, the Dare, like Apple's phone, is fun to use. It has all sorts of interesting little interface touches, such as a Favorites screen with photos of your contacts, which replaces boring old speed dial. And like the iPhone, the Dare just works. The touch screen is accurate, the accelerometer rotates the screen as expected, and the applications run quickly and smoothly. We were so impressed with the Dare, it's our new Editors' Choice feature phone for Verizon.


Good little read for people who like the iphone but may not want to deal with ATT, or maybe ATT has shitty coverage in your area etc.

eighteesix / Killya 07-15-2008 08:32 AM

those other phones arent multi touch though. cant pinch, flick, swipe, etc.

also, who the fuck needs copy and paste? i havent even thought about needing it.

none of apple's ipods have stereo bluetooth, so naturally the iphone doesnt either.

how many phones actually have mobile tv?

KhaOZ 07-15-2008 03:10 PM

The dare does have multitouch and allows you to flick, swipe etc, it just doesn't have the software for pinch yet, but that could come in an update. The picture viewer works exactly like the iphone where you flick one way or the other to move side to side.

eighteesix / Killya 07-15-2008 10:53 PM

then it doesnt have multi-touch. i described it incorrectly. multi-touch is where you are actually using more than one finger (like pinch), but flicking and swiping is just one finger.

lhurgoyf 07-16-2008 09:14 AM

I've been considering getting an iPhone... it is a drastic change from a Razr on shittastic Alltel. Almost double the monthly price... But what has got me interested is the wide array of Apps that can be got as well as the functionality if I were to jail break it. I find myself listening to Pandora all day long at work and then have to switch to my iPod in the car or anywhere I go without a computer; having that on my phone is pretty much a killer app for me.

It's a lot to pay for a flashy new phone and I will probably end up waiting till the end of the year to see if they do a price cut on it like they did the first one. Either way, even after hearing people complain about At&T, I somehow doubt how it could be any worse than Alltel.

eighteesix / Killya 07-16-2008 08:00 PM

no price cut. its already half of what it was.

also, you wont be able to jailbreak this one, or so they say.

Gooshy 07-16-2008 10:53 PM

Just got my 3G. It's orgasmic.

eighteesix / Killya 07-16-2008 11:30 PM


lhurgoyf 07-16-2008 11:34 PM

Its already been jailbroken http://blog.iphone-dev.org/post/4234...t-on-our-hands

And everything comes down in price, so we'll see.

KhaOZ 07-17-2008 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by eighteesix / Killya
then it doesnt have multi-touch. i described it incorrectly. multi-touch is where you are actually using more than one finger (like pinch), but flicking and swiping is just one finger.

It still does multitouch as people have been saying online, it just doesn't do pinch cause pinch isn't part of the software. You can click to things at the same time with 2 different fingers though, so it could do punch if they'd just program it in.

Gooshy 07-17-2008 10:13 AM

I upgraded from my old 4gig to a new 8gig 3G. Which only comes in black. Although I wish I had dished out the extra cash for a 16gig.. I think the 8gig will be completely fine for me.. since I never filled my old one up. Plus it was cheaper.

I love the slightly different design. It feels so much better in your hand. I actually got a composite skin for this one and a screen. My old one I just had a screen on it, because I thought the skins made them bulky. I hardly even notice it on the new one. I think the 3G likes wearing skin-tight latex catsuits.

MegamanEXE 07-18-2008 08:37 PM

So....I just picked up mine today and ....


eddndeddy 07-19-2008 06:17 PM

iPhone 3G is tremendous..

$icKn3$$ 07-27-2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Beyonder
Blasphemy! As a Microsoft employee I implore you all to get a WM device like the HTC Touch Diamond.


I <3 my winMo phone..

even if it is slower and kinda old (htc herald).. the software/open source community is 100X bigger than the "app store". don't get me wrong, i apperciate the iphone and think it's freakin cool.. but Apple + proprietry software bugs me..

But what i'm excited about is the Google/Symbian mobile OS. should be sweet.

KhaOZ 07-27-2008 09:29 PM

So after playing around with the iphone, instinct, dare and others for a few weeks, I decided on the Dare. It has the most features that I use and not all the crazy bugs some of those others have. My Dare wont be here till Tuesday but I'll let everyone know how it goes.

MegamanEXE 07-28-2008 08:09 AM

Good luck. My buddy has broken 2 Dares in 2 weeks.

lhurgoyf 07-28-2008 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by $icKn3$$

I <3 my winMo phone..

even if it is slower and kinda old (htc herald).. the software/open source community is 100X bigger than the "app store". don't get me wrong, i apperciate the iphone and think it's freakin cool.. but Apple + proprietry software bugs me..

But what i'm excited about is the Google/Symbian mobile OS. should be sweet.

I'm also excited about google's mobile os... but I don't know if I feel like waiting for it to mature. It shows promise... the compass feature overlay on their google maps is by far the coolest mobile app I've seen on any phone.

KhaOZ 07-29-2008 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by MegamanEXE
Good luck. My buddy has broken 2 Dares in 2 weeks.

Interesting. Everyone I know is having so many problems with their iphones. Bugs, random reboots or shut downs. Have yet to hear anything at all about Dare's breaking. Guy I know who works at the Verizon store here says they've yet to have many complaints or any returns or DOAs on any Dares in a month of it being out now which he said is something you just never see.

Just seems like the iphone has a lot of issues though. The online forums are flooded with it.

eighteesix / Killya 07-29-2008 10:00 AM

flooded because theres more iphones and iphone users out there than any other phone.

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